Philosophy at tea time

My blog was into a deep meditative mood for last one month and hence there is no post.
Well, to be honest, wasn't actually having the time to weave the words, New year started on quite a busy note.

But last week I was lazing at a tea stall. The most wisdom endowed people in India can either be located at a "Paan Ki Dukaan" or at a "Tea Stall". I have always wondered how people become so intelligent and full of insights while they guzzle down hot tea or munch a Paan. Folks here discuss some of the world's most head scratching problems and decipher them as they shoot reddish jets from their chops.

Phew... getting back to the incident, I was having my evening cup of tea with my left ankle on right knee, and suddenly a few words from surrounding wormed their way into my ears. "IF YOU KEEP ON SCREWING OTHER'S LIVES, ALL YOU WILL BE LEFT WITH IN YOUR HAND IS AN SCREW DRIVER."

Well said, worth atleast a post...

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